Learning From the Body the Home Breath
Get Sensational Attention is a video animation program to introduce the Home Breath, the “inner – with the outer me.” Weave the practices into what you are already doing as a parent, teacher, researcher, or administrator.
Learning the Home Breath is guaranteed to save time, and produce effective results for social-emotional learning, bullying, and cognitive functioning because children learn to help themselves from their bodies to their perceptions. See a Principal ‘s Testimony Below
Overview of the Program
(√) Skills Your Child Will Gain
Better Communication
Awareness of Self and Others
(√) Instructor
Catherine Rosasco-Mitchell
Wellness Through Movement Founder
Feldenkrais® Practitioner, 1987- present
(√) Testimony
“I’ll preach it until the day I die. If you are going to teach anything to improve school culture and student behavior, teach them the Home Breath.”
Principal Danny Garcia, Kohala Elementary
Hear Principal Garcia’s Testimonial
(√) The Science
“The brain’s low-level sensory and motor circuits do not just feed into cognition; they are cognition.”
Scientific American Mind, Jan./Feb. 2011, p. 39-45
Six Body-To-Brain Strategies Talk, Movement Is Conference, 2018
Get Started
Pick a Track
Get Sensational Attention Fast Track
Change a Stressful Moment
Get Sensational Attention Long Track
Change a Life
5-6 Hours • 15-20 Minutes Once a Week For Six to Eight Weeks
(√) Reference Book
Fun Movement Lessons From the Body to the Mind for Children
Movement Games for groups of children
Learning From Inside Out • The Sensory Body The book introduces how to build the bridge for your children (ages 5- 10 years old), from the feeling sensation of the body to thinking. This dynamic and interactive series of twelve lessons shows participants how to feel their bodies’ influence on thinking and feeling. The lessons are designed to improve awareness, in-classroom management, and school culture. Participants learn to shift perception from outside to inside to dual attention from the heart to others. By enhancing a clearer sense of self with the body, relationships with others and the outer world come into harmony. An array of self-observing techniques use breath, sound, and movement based on the Feldenkrais Method. Lessons promote a bodily awareness of mental, emotional, and physical interconnections – A New Sensory Self Awareness.