
What’s This About?

Learn what the body knows

that the mind doesn’t

and children learn how to help you help them.

“Learning” improves both with self-care and academically.

This is NOT about movement in a sense of changing a physical location.
It is about movement that directs the trajectory of life.


WTM Program

Developing Intelligence

Missing Key to Traditional Education


Internal & External


Long Term Anecdotes


For Children Ages 5 to 10 years old

Children learn to feel from inside their bodies with learning…

Help them find their best friend that feels to think, and you help them balance who they are with life. Children are famished to learn because learning starts from the inside the body, not the brain. They are feeling creatures that think. The word, “feeling” is not just an emotion, but the physical state of the self between emotions, thoughts, and sensations that gives the sense of self.

This “friend” is the Sensory Body (SB). The SB is a three-dimensional tapestry of physical sensations to feeling, thinking, and moving.

By linking children’s SB to awareness,  we help them to listen inside to the outside world when managing stress. The benefits of SB awareness extend beyond health to include clearer communication, stronger relationships, and a positive impact on the family, community, and the planet. SB awareness is a catalyst for thriving through life.

Lessons for Adults & Children

For adults, try a lesson.

For children (5-9 years old), start with this lesson

The body gives us movement.

Movement gives us experience. Experience gives us a sense of self. Teach children how to feel between their bodies and their brains. In this modern word of technology we are desensitizing the very nature of how we operate and learn. Cognitive development research discovers children are more sensory sensitive than ever understood. Scientist share the Feldenkrais® work is far more wiser, subtle, holistic, and in accordance wit brain development then understood.

Make it Yours

Help Your Children Help You

Give them awareness of the sensations in their bodies, and they’ll learn to express themselves and the situation from a grounded sense of self.

Get Started

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