What Children Say

4th Graders

Kohala Elementary

When should I do the Homebreath lesson with my kids?

“…get confused in a new direction.”

“… am frustrated.”

“…want to get energy.”

“…do a test.”

“…am doing homework.”

“…before my reading.”

“…am mad and need to calm down.”

“…am nervous.”

3rd Graders

Parker School

“When I go see my grandma in Massachusetts it’s a 9 hour flight and I did the Homebreath to help me sleep.”  

“I remember to do the Homebreath when I have a lot of energy.”

“I use the Homebreath when I get frustrated when my sister or brother are bugging me.

I do the Homebreath and Pancake Body when I get frustrated.  It makes me feel better and hungry.”

“I use the Home Breath when I really get mad at my mom.”

“When I get frustrated and scared I do the Homebreath.”

“When my brother screams and cries I go in my bed and do the Homebreath.”

About WTM Movement

 “I have to move around, if I move around it helps me remember.”

“When I can’t move around, it’s harder to think, cause I need to move to think and that’s why I appreciate the class cause we can move.”

“Sitting makes me bored when I can’t move around, like in math class.  If I don’t move around, my brain can’t work correctly. When I sit around, I forget stuff.”

“When I do Panda Bear Roll and circle around, it makes me feel funny and relaxed instead of mad and sad.”

“When I do the Panda Bear Roll, it makes me feel funny and relaxed.”

“I taught my little brother Panda Bear Roll.  It helps us exercise indoors on a rainy day and makes me feel kind of good in my heart.”

“I liked the stairway to heaven (rope ladder on ground) because it makes me feel still connected to my grandma that died.”

“I still do the Panda Bear Roll because it makes me feel different, each time my body keeps changing.”